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Frequently Asked Questions about Stable Living

  • Do you accept health insurance?
    We are no longer in-network providers with health insurance companies. Paying privately means that we do not need to “diagnose” you with a mental health disorder for being human and wanting some professional support. With that said, many of our clients utilize their HSA or FSA pre-tax health benefits accounts. Also, utilizing your out-of-network health insurance benefits is another great option. Many companies reimburse you without it costing much more than using your in-network benefits….and YOU get to choose your clinic and provider! Here’s a list of questions in order for you to check on this possibility: Do I have out-of-network mental health benefits? If so, what is my deductible? What percentage is reimbursed if I pay my provider out-of-pocket and get reimbursed by the insurance company? Is there a limit on how many sessions I have per year?
  • What is the fee per session?
    Stable Living charges the following fee at the time of service for either in-office or equine-assisted work: $190 per 55 minute session Under certain circumstances, we consider a sliding scale. Please call—we’d be happy to discuss this option with you!
  • How do I pay?
    We accept cash, check or credit card. We highly encourage payment by check in order for us to hold the cost down on our service!
  • What is your Cancellation Policy?
    A 24-hour advance notice is required for canceling individual appointments and 48 hour advance notice if canceling a 2 hour session. If you have not notified us at least 24 or 48 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full fee for the missed session. Please be aware that this fee cannot be submitted for reimbursement to any insurance companies and will need to be paid out of pocket by the client.
  • How often would we meet?
    For the best therapeutic results, we recommend meeting once a week for the first few months and then reevaluate our treatment goals and timeline. With that said, each person is unique and everyone’s needs are different. We also understand your challenge of juggling busy schedules! Let’s collaborate and find what works best for you in order to meet your goals while managing your hectic life. We offer evening and weekend appointments to help accommodate your schedule.
  • Are our sessions confidential?
    In general, therapy sessions are confidential between client and psychotherapist. Written consent by client is necessary in order for information to be shared. However, there are limits of confidentiality mandated by state law. Exceptions to confidentiality include: Threats of suicide or harming of self. We have a duty to protect. Threats of harming another person. We have a duty to warn. Any incidence or knowledge of suspected neglect, physical, or sexual abuse of children and/or vulnerable adults When court ordered by state or federal law
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